We asked our readers which they would prefer for a Valentine’s Day story from the Adventures of Rusty Waters, SEX or ROMANCE.
The first choice was to find out what happened when three gorgeous women tried to pick up Rusty in a bar. HINT: That was the story you’d get if you voted for SEX.
The second choice was to find out the story of Rusty’s long-lost love. HINT: that was the story you’d get if you voted for ROMANCE.
With the votes in from more than twelve countries around the world, frankly, we were shocked. We thought it would be split down party lines, with women going for Romance and men, well, being men. As many of Rusty’s stories will point out very dramatically, Rusty just doesn’t really understand women. Take for instance a recent interview in a men’s magazine that asked Amanda Bynes, who the magazine referred to as “America’s Sweetheart”, what she would prefer for Valentine’s Day; flowers, chocolate or lingerie? In Rusty’s mind a perfectly simple question. But Amanda answered, “I like jewelry”. Go figure. She went on to say that jewelry was “forever”. Rusty guesses, at the prices of most jewelry today, that means how long it would take to pay it off.
But enough digression, we must return to the survey at hand. Rusty thought if anything, sex might squeak out romance by just a bit. No siree. Romance was hardly in the running from the start. Amazingly, over the eight days that we ran the survey, from beginning to end, SEX was always the choice of about 75% of the respondents.
But you know, much as so many people were rooting for sex, Rusty just can’t leave all the Romantics out on a limb, hanging. What to do? What to do? There is only one solution! Rusty wants to disprove Lincoln. Rusty is going to try to please ALL the people.  We’re going to publish both. So now you have a second chance to choose, SEX or ROMANCE. Heck, if you’re ambivalent, you can have one and then the other… in any order you like. Have your cake and eat it too if you will. It’s Rusty’s little Valentine’s Day present to you. Enjoy!
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